Monday, October 1, 2007

Newsweek Cont'd

The theme of my article was about how boys are struggling in school and why. Some people say it's because of distractions while others say it's all scientific stuff. Boys are two times as likely to get learning disabilities than girls and twice as likely to be placed in a special education class. Thirty years ago it was just the opposite, girls were struggling but since schools were forced to provide equal opportunities for girls in the classroom and in sports, girls have done much better. Coauthor of "Raising Cain", Thompson, cays that, "Boys are treated like defective girls".

An article I read on the internet hypothesized that it was the teachers. It said that they were testing to see if male students responded better to female teachers rather than male teachers. The study was based on third and fourth graders in Canada. It was a ten week study reading intervention where the researchers visited schools and worked with boys for thirty minutes. They did "duet reading", researcher and student reading at the same time, and solo reading. By the end of the researcher it was stated that the teacher gender had no effect.


John B. Computer Student said...

I think boys have a harder time learning because they have a harder time concentrating because we never pay attention, most of the time.

Joe D. said...

I think that boys should be treated just like girls and get alot more help around school.